Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The More I Try to Control, The More Controlled I Become

Recently, I have been replaying the words of Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda, the wise sage and Jedi Master is training the younger trainee, Luke Skywalker how to utilize The Force. Luke fails in his attempt to utilize the force in which Yoda replies "Control, Control, you must learn Control."

The reason I have been remembering these words is because my life has seemed rather out of control due to my computer being shut down for two weeks. As a result, my own mantra lately has been "Control, Control, Oh how I yearn for Control."

What has been interesting for me has been my reaction to feeling out of control. I have been easily agitated and eager to control other people and situations. The littlest things that remind me I am out of control have been irriating, from the red stop light to the noise in the kitchen. Another reaction has been my attempts to control other people. Ironically, the more I tried to control other people and situations, the more I found myself feeling out of control. This was especially poignant to me when my obstinate 13 year old terrier would not come in from outside when I called her. I called, I whistled, I wailed and I threatened, but I could exert no control over her, but my level of frustration betrayed the amount of control I let her have over me.

And so it is with all my attempts to control other people and things. Control is simply an illussion which I prefer to hide behind. And when the reality that I have no control confronts me, I confront others by trying to control them. As a result, I allow myself to be controlled by other people and other things. Yoda's words..."Control, Control, you must learn Control" are words that I must apply to myself and not try to exert over others.

The past two weeks has enabled me to remember that Jesus Christ is the only one in absolute control of all things. If I continually surrender to His control over my life and the world I live in, then I will have peace. But when I complain and continue to exert control over my life and the lives of others, then I will have problems. "Control, Control, I must learn Control." I must learn that Christ is in control and that I am not. When I try to control others people and things, I feel out of control, but when I surrender control to Christ, I feel at peace.

Tell me, do you have this same beam in your eye?



  1. What I have to remember is who is in control, if it is me, I am doomed, if I can follow Jesus, my Lord and Savior I will live.

  2. Sure do Pastor. I think control over others can also give us a false sense of importance/identity as well..."being the manager". I need to constantly remind myself that my identity is in Christ, and therefore my value. When I'm in that state, grace abounds.

  3. Control has always been an issue for me. Recently it is at work as I try to control those who work for me. Like Brandon said I base my identity or sense of worth on my job and ability to get my workers to perform to my expectations. Big problem! What I've learned is that by basing my success on my ability to control others I'm bound to fail. However if I base my success on becoming the manager God wants me to be I can and will succeed.
