Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Peaceful Economic Recession

Very few people enjoy conflict and some will go to extreme lengths to maintain peace. Their motto is peace at all costs. This motto can be dangerous because conflict is what enables us to grow, both personally as well as interpersonally. However, can we have peace at all times and amidst all circumstances which will also foster spiritual growth?

In the Bible, the book of Philippians, chapter four, verse four tell us to "Rejoice in the Lord always" and then in verse six we are instructed "Do not be anxious about anything..." How realistic is this? Is this not another form of denial and conflict avoidance evidence in our relationships, now being encouraged in our difficult circumstances?

I don't believe God's word is advocating denial and avoidance, but rather is advocating for faith in God's goodness, faithfulness and sovereign control. When we choose to be thankful and prayerful, even when times are awful, we will experience a disposition that is peaceful. In fact, that passage of scripture from Philippians, chapter four also tells us "in everything, by prayer and petition, WITH THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God. And the PEACE, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." This does not imply that we will feel warm and fuzzy with an abundance of joy all of the time, but instead that there will be a quiet trust and confidence amidst troubling times.

Jesus promised us that we would experience trouble in this world, but also, God's Word promises us peace amidst our troubled times. Therefore, if I am not experiencing peace, either God was wrong in His promise, or something is wrong with me. I tend to believe the latter is the case, and because I am lacking in my faith. So, whenever I complain that I am stressed, this is probably a statement that reflects my lack of faith, more than it is depiction of what is occuring in my life.

Does this logic make sense? Does it apply to you? Could the beam in our own eye be our lack of faith that needs to be removed, so we can more accurately view and deal with stressors around us? Does the economic recession stress you? Could the larger issue be a spiritual recession due to lack of faith. Could faith be the path toward peace?

The passage in Philippians tell us how to transform our stress into peace. The means of this transformaiton is through thanksgiving. In other words, as you pray to God about your stressors, thank God for his subsequent and always dependable faithfulness. This will result in greater peace.

Beams Away!

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