To Tell The Truth is a classic game show from the 70's and was one of the first big hits for game show producers Goodson and Todman. The host would introduce three people and told the celebrity panel about them. The panel would ask questions of the three in an attempt to discover which one was the true person. The host would then say, "Would the real (person) please stand up?"
While this was a fun and entertaining show it makes me think of the church today. There are a myriad of different churches all claiming to be the true church of Jesus Christ. While there are some similarities, there are also some profound differences. Numerous people are looking at churches in culture and are asking, "Would the real church of Jesus Christ, please stand up?"
Bill Hull in his book, "Christlike", offers four general categories of churches. I rephrased Bill's categories as "The Easy Believism Church" - where all a person has to do is believe in Jesus, say a prayer for forgiveness and then gets to go to heaven; but no behavior change is required. Next there is the "Liberal Church," where a person is expected behave like Jesus, but does not necessarily need to become a Christian. Then, Hull identifies "The Prosperity Church," that promises health and wealth for those who have faith in Christ. Finally, Hull points out "The Consumer Church," where people approach the church as consumers, more than as Christians.
This last church, "The Consumer Church" is the most insidious in our culture. Hull offers the following characteristics of this type of church, "Their vocabulary is laden with phrases like, 'We are looking for a church where we can be fed...' They are preoccupied with youth programs, types of music, length of services, personalities of clergy. These folks leave churches because they are bored, or don't cry enough, or laugh enough, or tingle when the music plays...Their language rarely reveals any interest in being challenged and accountable for spiritual life and service."
Would the real Church of Jesus Christ please stand up? What are the characteristics of this church? It is one where people realize they need to believe in Christ alone for salvation, and where people live beyond the individualism of our culture by knowing they truly belong to a community of faith. It is also a church were people are challenged and encouraged to move beyond the consumerism of our culture as the people of God, by becoming nothing, so that God can use them for anything.
Who would want to join this church? Would the real followers of Jesus Christ, please stand up?
Beams Away!
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