Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life in the Pits

Times are difficult for many of us today. Ironically in the land of the free, many people feel anything but free, they feel their lives are out of control and they can't do anything about it. Life is really the pits.

Life became the pits for Daniel in the Old Testament, and it became such for the sole reason that he chose to obey God. In other words, he followed the rules of God, did what was right and found himself in a literal pit of lions with no perceivable way out. If I were in that pit I probably would have been scratching the walls stuggling to get out. Yet Daniel did not. He was able to be still and realize his Savior amidst his situation.

Oswald Chambers said this " doesn’t matter how difficult the circumstances may be. God orchestrates every force at work for His purpose in the end. If you will agree with God’s purpose, He will bring not only your conscious level but also all the deeper levels of your life, which you yourself cannot reach, into perfect harmony."

May we stop struggleing and scratching our way out of the pit. May we stay in whatever pit we find ourselves, stand firm and wait upon the Lord. Afterall, he is the One who allowed us to be there and the only One who can get us free.

Beams Away!


  1. I needed to read this- thank you.

    Lord I pray you will give me/us the strength to truly wait on You, amen~

  2. It is all about the duality of God. On one hand he asks us to trust Him implicitly and on the other when we agree to serving Him, He then inflicts the needed pain into our lives that our crooked stick requires. After all, the creator God puts us on the lathe of life to perfect us into the likeness of His son. So when He needs to do radical surgery on us He uses a sharp knife like a surgeon and cuts away all that is dying in us so that what remains has a chance to make the full transition to eventually to become in the likeness of Jesus perfect in all our ways. So if we agree with Christ that we need His salvation, then why is it that we get angry when He puts us in a place of major surgery to make the corrections? It is our human perspective, it gets in the way of our faith and reliance upon God fully. I know this well in my own life of recent, He has literally taken everything away from me, to cause me to see what I refused to see with all the clutter in my life. I must trust His decisions and agree with HIm that I am in need of these course corrections before it is too late... too late to repent and come back to Him again perfect and clean in Jesus.
