Thursday, December 3, 2009

Seeing the Beams Amongst Woods

Many of us have heard about Tiger Woods and the alleged affair(s) he has had. But, amidst all of the public voyeurism into the private affairs of the Woods family, how much have we examined the beams in our own eyes? Jesus asks us why do we try to take the speck of saw dust out of our brother's eye, when there is a beam in our own eye? Don't these words of Jesus from 2,000 years ago accurately characterize our society today?

There is much questioning over whether Tiger Woods can make a come back from this incident and whether or not Nike or Gillette will support him because his image is now tarnished. My question is why did we have such an inflated and inaccurate view of Tiger in the first place? Why are we surprised that someone had an affair? We have over 5,000 years of human history which relentlessly documents our propensity to self-destruct. I wish we'd get it by now. I wish we'd learn that humanity is never meant to be put on a pedestal and admired, because we will always be disappointed. I wish that our Creator were the only one put and kept on a pedastal and admired by the creation.

Instead of looking at the Woods family debockle, I wish incidents like this would cause us to look at the beam amongst the Woods that is in our own eyes. I look at Tiger and see everyone of us. I look at Tiger and see a person who is weak, who is prone to looking for love in all the wrong places, who is competitive because he can't stand to lose, who is good at hiding behind a mask of competence and accomplishment. I look at Tiger and I see all of us. I look at Tiger and I see myself. Can we all look at Tiger and see the beam amongst the Woods?

I welcome your thoughts,



  1. I agree Brett- we need to feel sorry for Tiger and pray for his salvation.

    Psalm 130:3-4 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.
    I'm so thankful that I can come to the throne of grace daily.

  2. Pastor: Thanks for reminding us that our response to Tiger's predicament should be a prayer for him to seek Christ's forgiveness and for me to see myself and my failures in his. Rom. 3:23-ALL have sinned! Now let's be about our Father's business of sharing the Gospel in our community. Gil
