Thursday, December 31, 2009

"God Bless America!" Why?

I keep hearing how the United States is a Christian country. Is this true or not? I don't debate whether or not we were founded upon Christian principles and operated more as a Christian country upon our first 100 years. However, what does it mean to be a Christian country and how do we determine that we are a Christian country? My concern for this is that calling ourselves a Christian country assumes an incredible responsibility regarding how we live and relate to the world as representatives of Christ. In other words, if we are a Chrsitian country, do we reflect Christ in our government policies and contemporary culture?

The basis by which I hear people argue that we are a Chrisitan country is that 80% of people profess to be Christian. This seems to be a meager measuring stick for claiming to be a Christ follower. The book of James says that we should not merely listen to the word, but do what it says. Furthermore, that same book tells us that faith without deeds is a dead faith. Also, Jesus in Matthew 25, tells a parable about people being like sheep and goats and there He makes the point that profession is not the litmus test for true devotion to Christ.

What do you think? This blog is devoted to taking the beams out of our own eyes as Jesus instructed us to do. So what are our beams in our own eyes as a country? Are we truly a Christian nation? What is a Christian nation and how can one tell? What must we do to either become or remain a Christian nation? One thought is to change our tag line "God bless America" to "God bless the world through America." Now that would be indicative of a more Christian nation.

1 comment:

  1. If we were a Chistian nation we would be willing to give God glory. We would be a humble nation, a nation of servants. We would love our neighbors and be willing to forgive.
    The majority religion in our country is Me- Firstism. Until we transition into a nation of servants we will be a Christian nation in name only. Another thing, if we were a Christian nations churches would be full not merging or closing.
