On a recent blog, I displayed a picture of a person standing before a mammoth backdrop of water ready to engulf the persson. A number of people reacted to the picture because is aptly captured how they were currently feeling about life. What thoughts, feelings and reactions does this picture conjure up in you?
For me, words like innocence, vulnerability, hope, strife, exhaustion, feelings of compassion and thoughts about recent tornado victims come to mind as I look at the little duckling. Take a moment and be cognizant of the thoughts and feelings the picture evokes in you.
This blog is devoted to helping us look honestly at ourselves and understand our own blindspots. Jesus taught that each person should take the "beam" out of his or her own eye so he or she might see clearly the speck of sawdust in a neighbor's eye. So each of our thoughts, feelings or reactions to this picture can point us to what is going on in our hearts; and these reactions of ours are a greater indication of what is going on inside of us than they are an accurate description of the picture.
Take a moment, reflect upon your reflections about the picture. For instance, what do my reflections about the picture indicate about me today? Why do I see vulnerability of the duck? Why do I see hope? Why do I see innocence and exhaustion? What does this say about me today and how I am feeling in general? What do my words say about me?
This exercise is good for us to get in touch with ourselves, but it also illustrates how we need to interact with others. Many times we react to what we see in others. Those reactions, thoughts and feelings are usually a greater indication of what is occuring within us than they are an accurate description of another person. We've heard it said, that "A picture is worth a thousand words," but our words are worth a thousand insights to the current condition of our heart.
As we apply this principle to our interactions with others, perhaps we may become more patient and gracious with others. As we reflect more upon our own "beams" and extract them, then we will better reflect the character of Jesus Christ.
Beams Away!
My first thought was "yeah I can get it!" This is totally where I am at with God this week :-) That bug is gonna taste great!