There are some within Christiandom who might argue that self-focused teachings on the topic of "worry" only foster a self-focused, narcissistic Christianity. These people make a good point that our focus should not be on ourselves, but rather on helping others, or issues related to social justice. Others might argue that teachings on "worry" are proof how psycho-babble has contaminated the church. These people also argue that we should avoid too much focus upon ourselves, and that the Bible is not a self-help book. However, I am not worried about these objections because the topic of worry in fact is related to how I can help myself become more Christ-like and how others might understand Christ and thereby worship Him.
Consider what is at stake when the world sees Christians captivated by worry rather than faith and worship of Christ. Some one at CrossPoint passed on these words to me by John MacArthur.
"For reason, we think of doubt and worry as 'small' sins. But when a Christian displays unbelief...or an inability to cope with life, he is saying to the world, 'My God cannot be trusted,' and that kind of disrespect makes one guilty of a fundamental error, the heinous sin of dishonoring God. That is no small sin. Worry is the sin of distrusting the promise and providence of God, and yet it is a sin that Christians commit perhaps more frequently than any other. Worry, by nature, is the product of a lack of faith and trust in God."
I would add God's word to us in the book of Hebrews, without faith it is impossible to please God.
I believe we want to please God. Yet, I believe we all struggle with worry and anxiety to varying degrees. But, God's reputation is on the line when we worry about our lives. In the Bible, Ephesians 2:14 syas, "Jesus is our peace." Also, Philippians 4 tells us we can have this peace of Jesus and it surpasses all understanding.
We struggle with worry, but don't worry, we don't have to struggle with it. We can surrender the "perception" of control over our lives and realize that Jesus Christ holds all things together and he works for our good. The Bible indicates from page one to the last page that everything God does is motivated by a desire to provide for us and to protect us. As we take seriously our sin of worry, and surrender more fully to Christ, we will become more like Christ and the world will watch how God's people are holy and different because in place of worry, they worship in contentment and confidence in their God.
Keep your thoughts coming. I appreciate them. And let's keep taking those beams out of our own eyes.
Beams Away!
Brett - I came to realize some months back the difference between God being faithful and God being trustworthy. God's faithfulness looks backwards in time and we affirm that He has been faithful. Trustworthy looks forward and ask, "Is He trustworthy?" It seems to me my worries speak to God's trustworthiness! So perhaps when I worry I need to look back and affirm His faithfulness. Ed Pollasch
ReplyDeleteWorry you say. Well, let me tell you about worry. We’ve danced a few dances together. I wake up in the middle of the night and all it takes is one simple thought to open the flood gates. My head is spinning with thoughts (worries) of making the next house payment or the price of gas or insurance premiums or medications or where my next job will be. And that’s just about finances. Then there are family relationships, grand children, our grown up kids, family illnesses, health issues, things I was supposed to do last week and didn’t, my sanity, my future. From the very first worried thought I know where this is all going. So what do I do? I just begin talking to God. It’s not really important what I say or how I say it. What is important is that my eyes are on Him and He is listening to me with His undivided attention. Most of my prayer is thanking Him for his hand in my life and for others who are less fortunate than I. The next thing I know, I am waking up. The sun is creeping into my bedroom and I can smell the coffee brewing. My dear sweet wife peacefully asleep beside me. All I can think of is His many blessings and what a beautiful day He has made for me. I will rejoice and be glad in it!